Friday, November 26, 2004

I know where He is..

I was browsing through some friends' blogs that I hadn't been keeping up with for a while. Saw an article on Keeve's blog that he entitled "What about me?" It is a post that certainly touches a chord in many people's hearts. I have to admit, I do feel that way at times - it's a familiar seesaw I ride on once in a while - and I'm sure many of us do, too.

Grow up, Ming! I know where Jesus is.. I know where my calling is.. I know where my loves lie. I no longer need anyone to lead me on to all these. It is a human failing to require human love and human recognition all the time; it isn't necessary because we have God's incomparable love above all. At the end of the day, it is He who will reward us with the good-and-faithful-servant appellation. The lesson is two-fold too; we know where He is; will we lead others on to Him?

Take on the challenge this December, dear blogders.. to grow up and out of dependence on others and build your own altar; and begin to lead those who are lost and weary into His house.

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