Thursday, November 18, 2004

Hanging out the window!

I'm sorry, I'm running late, but I just HAVE to blog this..

I hung out the window of my flat just now!

nothing remarkable, just that my flat's on the *23rd* floor and I was *whole-body out* on the window ledge.

The culprit: my mother's disobedient washing-hanging pole - it slipped from the metal bracket and was hanging precariously by one end. You can imagine the consequences of that pole slipping and falling 23 floors to the ground - not only an instant, life-taking projectile, but it would also knock 22 floors worth of laundry off their perches.

What on earth.

Enter ahming, the heroic she-man/he-woman to the rescue! With my mother gripping me tightly, and being more of a hindrance than anything else, I climbed onto the ledge and pulled the pole back.

The feeling was pure exhilaration. Having the wind blowing in your hair, watching the world go by without the hindrance of bars and window panes ~ wow.

I have, by the way, realised that there's a pretty good view from that ledge that you can't get from anywhere else in the house. Pictures taken from the ledge will come later after I'm back from my dratted excursion-to-school.


I did, by the by, get stuck on the way back in. *still as clumsy as ever* But that's inconsequential. I enjoyed hanging out the window. =)

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