Friday, November 19, 2004

email from my favourite fellow SPAlestinian!

My fellow SPAlestinians,
In Jan 2004, the MOEssad drove us out of our strip of land called "My free time". We threw stones at standardization last year, yet we got a standard reply – "Just DO it". Though President Booksh announced plans for SPAlestinian independence in 4 years, but for many of us, it'll be 1 year and 1 month more!
Do you really think that the reason we must be confined to special rooms just to mark SPA is simply on security grounds? Peleeeease! MOEssad wants fertility rates to increase, hence, they have introduced a morbid form of dating called SPA-dating. (Thank you MOEssad, that's so thoughtful of you, at the rate you're going, some may end up with 2 Bachelor Degrees after joining – talk about life-long learning!).
Gotta go now. SPA marking awaits and guard duty at exams. Being a Protest-Ant, I'm not attending xxJC's dinner. They can keep my staff money and have my share of dumplings. Just give me back my life. Hope you get yours soon too (with the dumplings).

One with your sufferings,

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