Tuesday, November 16, 2004

un-title me..

i have realised it's such a bother to append snappy titles to a post ever since i made my titles visible. especially when i can never sustain a topic through a post. darn.

yes, indeedy, i have again wasted a day in front of the computer - this sedentary lifestyle i'm leading is going to be too much for me soon. it IS the teacher's life - to vacillate between complete boredom during the holidays to total burnout during the school daze *pun intended* and I am no different from most. I am not one of those happy people who can occupy their days knitting, baking, and being happily domestic day after day after day. I crave purpose. I crave activity. And I crave it all the time.

How am I going to cope with my next two months before school re-opens? School is not everything, but it does take up the most part of my time during term time; what, then, am I going to fill it up with? I have thought: and here are my resolutions for the six weeks that remain of 2004 -

1. To lose weight! Yes.. my eternal bugbear. I've always said that if i could take 5 kg off myself and put it onto various people (juan, mz, ivry et al) both parties would be perfectly happy. well, I'd rather take the fats and dispose of them through running.. ugh.. and gym-ming.. double ugh. But, by the end of 2004, I'd like to see a more lithe me!

2. To touch base with many people - including my ushers, my friends, my leaders and my CG members. That was in no order of merit, btw. =P Now that i've the time, i hope I can be a useful and serviceable person to those around me.

3. To know God deeper - many people say that it's during the toughest times that people turn to God; I'd like to remain constant and go on more.

4. To focus on my goals - to cut off all extraneous items - to put my heart and soul into what I want to achieve. I have been unfocused, at many times; let that change! Let me focus on being a better usher, a better servant, and a better leader. My one main distraction - the lack of a member of the male species in my life - WILL be relegated to the backstage. Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness - and all these things shall be added unto you - amen.

I feel so much better after penning that down! Okay, typing that out. =P i SHALL be purposeful. See you, world! I'm off to zip to my newly set tasks.

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