Tuesday, August 24, 2004

tick tock tick tock! =)

It's quite funny, this.. that almost everyone I meet asks me if I'm attached, or tries to matchmake me. HAH! Is my biological clock ticking THAT loudly? ahahaha.. guess it means I'm rather over the hill lei.. I'm officially an OLD woman, help! This next birthday I'll have passed a quarter of a century.. feel like singing the song shen ah jiu jiu wo ba.. yi ba nian ji le, yi ge ai ren dou mei you! =P people my age are married and have kids, for goodness' sake! And here I am, with my dog and my blog (hey, it rhymes.. ahahaha) for company..

The funniest thing is, time passes and I'm not even aware of it. Am I worried that I'm not attached / married / whatever? I used to be, and used to be an Actively Seeking Someone (read the CAPS).. haha.. but thank God I'm over that stage now. Maybe I will really end up being an old maid, (no idea which guy would be able to stand my idiosyncrasies / parents / money woes etc), and maybe I won't. Who knows? Not me, not you, but God does. And hey, that's enough for me. Jer 29:11 - "For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the Lord, thoughts of good and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope." That's it! I've come to realize that if I seek after something so hard that I push God out of the picture and try to accomplish it by my own strength, I will invariably fail. Why worry ahming? =) God has a great and good future planned!

Brought to mind a story that I heard sometime back:

One day, raging floodwaters swamp a tiny village, and one of the men, a devout Christian, is stranded on a small piece of land that's getting smaller by the minute. His faith undaunted, he prays. Soon, a rowboat comes by and the men inside reach out their hands to him:
"Come on," they shout, "get into the boat!"
"No," he responds, "God will save me."
Later, a speedboat comes by, as the water rises even higher.
"Come on," they shout, "get into the boat!"
"No," he responds, "God will save me."
Soon after, as the waters threaten to overwhelm him, a helicopter with a rescue rig flies past.
"Come on," they shout, "get into the craft!"
"No," he responds, "God will save me."
The waters do not recede.

Later, in heaven, the man meets God.
"Oh God! I have served you all my life; why did you not respond when I asked you to save me?"
"But I did - three times!"

haha.. God hears.. yeah! I'll keep on keeping on, and one day the promises He has given his children (myself, *ahem*, included) SHALL come to pass. So, to my kindhearted students and friends, fear not; I'm not lonely nor desperate nor seeking. I'll just live my life contentedly by God's plan and come what may, I will love Him.. until my dying day (Moulin Rouge… ahahaha!)

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