Sunday, August 29, 2004


Who, you may ask, is the mysterious BUBBLEMUNCHE? he is my crappy, rubbishy cousin and NO, Eddie Neo Chee Beng is NOT his name. and HAH, he is WAY taller than 160cm.. stoopid BM mus have thought of that to suan me right, i who have striven all my life to reach 160cm and stopped at a highly irritating 159cm. Yes! It's a conspiracy! argh!

those of you who cannot understand what i mean, take a look at the newest link i have..

"bubblemunche: ji3 lame"

anyway, i blog about BM in RETALIATION, because he says he has a PLOT to blog something about me.. that involves the number 256 (?) and goodness knows what else. maybe BM, u can blog that i'm REALLY 256cm tall? yeah.. do.. =) since BM fears DISCOVERY most, i have a good ba2 bing3 if he decides to truly crap so much.. i will not only REVEAL your identity, i will POST your picture (and try to make everyone see tt u still look like li guohuang.. ahahaha) and DEFACE your site with interesting (what a deadly word) and special (worse still) stuff. Yes. so beware, bubblemunche, you have been warned.. i will visit ur site often to check on the rubbish you write and make your site counter jump ok?

ahming is watching you..

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