Thursday, August 26, 2004

backdate 1 - thursday 26082004

heyhey.. nv had much time to blog over de past few days so shall backdate all my posts today.. =) ahaha.. so backdate1: 25082004, Thursday:

the pressure felt like killing, cos 1. trying to finish syllabus 2. trying to finish setting 3. trying to finish TD 4. trying to finish marking stuff 2b returned. yikes! hee.. it always gets worse before it gets better i s'pose..

GM, then rushed down 4 CG. Made it jus before preaching.. thank God! i thought i would be LATE LATE LATE but my CG's well-known tardiness and yunhao's well-known verbosity saved the day.. Hee.. Excellent msg on PRAYER and how it changes our lives, and why we need to be disciplined to pray constantly. Here goes:

1. Prayer opens the heavens over me
Indeed, it's so true.. many times when we try to make things happen by our own strength, we fail; but when we trust in God, and His timing, the heavens begin to open n stuff just falls into place. innumerable examples..

2. Prayer brings down the presence of the Holy Spirit
Speaking in tongues - a whole gamut of movements in the supernatural. for me, most impt thing i've realised is tt praying in tongues gives a sense of peace and assurance that your destiny is in God's hands.. many times when i've felt uncertain, upset, simply in need of wisdom to get through a situation - simply praying in tongues helps me to lay down my emotions and focus on God's plan and God's person.
Yunhao said something.. that we should be obedient one step at a time - that is SO true; even though we may not know the entire purpose of what we're doing, when we simply trust God and take a step of faith in obedience, God brings us through - remember always, He has the HIGHER point of view!
Yunhao said again - (those of u who have no idea what 'verbosity' meant should be getting a clearer idea now.. haha.. it means WORDINESS.. not that i mind cos he is a seriously anointed and wise CGL.. amen!) that we should pray till we are sure that the step we're considering is one God wants us to take.. in fact that we should pray till God wants us to stop (somehow that didn't come out right but i can't think of a better way to express it). Meditate on that, ahming.. !

3. Prayer makes me more and more like God
as we know His heart - and have His presence in our lives - our countenance and character will be uplifted and we rise above our circumstances and emotional responses to them to truly become pp who can say and do WWJD. be imitators of God, dear children.. yes, me the dear and blur child.. yeappz, i definitely need to work on this!

4. Prayer breaks the stubborness of my rebellious flesh
oh boy, for SURE i need to work on this. so true that it's a SACRFICE of praise and DISCIPLINE of prayer.. when you are weary and the flesh wars against the spirit - one says 'sleep' and the other says 'talk to God' - it is so human to allow the flesh to win out and lie down on e bed! WILLPOWER !!!!!!!!!
Yunhao's WOW again (words of wisdom.. haha suddenly thought of the acronym.. ahahaha..) we have to learn to close the gap between receiving a revelation and doing the revelation. Hm, what kind of weird syntax is that.. this comes from trying to keep sermon notes brief.. but i think everyone understands la hor? =) yeah, confirm applies to me.. me and my UM dreams, and me and my influence-students dream too! Yes, all that we do is in God's plan, but imagine how much more we could do if we had only grasped our destiny earlier. work hard, ahming!

5. Prayer releases the power of God in my life
'nuff said. i wanna live a powerpacked, victorious life, not a downtrodden, depressed and disappointed one.

yuppz, that was the CG sermon for thursday.. i am really spurred to seek God more. the power of prayer is amazing!

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