Wednesday, February 09, 2005


You Are A Realistic Romantic
u are more romantic than 60% of the population.

It's easy for you to get swept away by romance...
But you've done a pretty good job keeping perspective.
You're still taken in by love poems and sunsets
You just don't fall for every dreamy pick up line!

You Have A Type A- Personality

You are one of the most balanced people around
Motivated and focused, you are good at getting what you want
You rule at success, but success doesn't rule you.

When it's playtime, you really know how to kick back
Whether it's hanging out with friends or doing something you love!
You live life to the fullest - encorporating the best of both worlds

You Are the Peacemaker


You are emotionally stable and willing to find common ground with others.

Your friends and family often look to you to be the mediator when there is conflict.

You are easy going and accepting. You take things as they come.

Avoding conflict at all costs, you're content when things are calm.

Okay, this one is just too funny. They have a section called "Best Lines to Pick up Horoscopes with. Just for the fun of it, I clicked on every single one and heeeeeeeere goes:

Virgo: Baby, you must be a broom, 'cause you just swept me off my feet. (LOL! I SO do not wanna be married to a broom! Help! Fortunately, I don't believe in horoscopes, otherwise I'd be clamouring to change my birthdate!)

Libra: If I had a rose for every time I thought of you, I'd be walking through my garden forever. (awwwwwww.... but then again, my dear Libran, you'd have to hire a full-time gardener, and would have no time to work for walking through the roses. Hee.)

Scorpio: Your place or mine? (wahahahahaha! Sibeh direct siah!)

Sagittarius: Hi, I'm writing a term paper on the finer things in life. Can I interview you? (whoohoo! The intellectual!)

Capricorn: Have you always been this cute, or did you have to work at it? (it sounds like an insult in disguise! ahahahahaha!)

Aquarius: You're hot. You must be the reason for global warming. (Oh my gosh, how flat and lame and corny is that!)

Pisces: Are you as beautiful on the inside as you are on the outside? (awwwwwwwwwww..)

Aries: I'm on fire. Can I run through your sprinkler? (all together now: HUH? Either this is a really deep Aries, or we are all very shallow.)

Taurus: I just had to come talk with you. Sweetness is my weakness. (goosebumps! goodness! BTW, before I clicked on the link, I was tempted to simply write "I'm a cow, hear me moo; I weigh twice as much as you.." AHAHAHAHAHAHA!)

Gemini: Do you have any overdue library books? 'Cause you've got the word ""fine"" written all over. (Yet another colder-than-cold line. Good grief! Were the writers running out of inspiration or WHAT?)

Cancer: Can I borrow a quarter? I want to call my mom and tell her I just met the person I'm going to marry. (erpz, don't you have a handphone?)

Leo: Is it hot in here, or is it just me? (Leo, quick marry a Scorpio! I think these are e only 2 who can stand the directness!)

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