Saturday, February 05, 2005

i am home so early i can't believe it.

and i am blogging for the thrill of seeing my timer show 11.41 PM on a Saturday night in February.

Gosh, the last time I ws home this early on a Saturday night must have been, like, sometime in the beginning of last YEAR. What a treat it is to enjoy my night of quiet solitude - for my parents, uncle, aunt and cousins are all out - at the funeral, presumably. Perhaps I should be there too? But then again, I guess it's no point rushing down all the way to Toa Payoh at 11pm at night, no?

For those whom I've not quite updated, my father's mother (kind of) passed away on Wednesday. But before the calls / comments of condolences start floating in, may I pre-empt you by saying that I wasn't close to her, and neither was my dad. My grand-dad was from the era where two wives were nothing unusual, and that was the situation in my dad's home. This grandma, I saw her something like once or twice a year during CNY for most of my life. But still, it's kind of strange to see my name in the newspaper once again, as 'xiao4 sun1 nu3' because all the other people I consider my ancestors passed on long ago. No more of the older generation; next in line: my parents and their posse. Yeeks! Morbid and maudlin thoughts, as usual. May my parents live long and be happy! Choi choi choi!

By the way, the perils of being home early on a Saturday night:
I hear two *obviously* blind drunk fellas hollering their lungs out in the MSCP next to my block. Hokkien songs somemore. Sheesh, can I get some eggs from the fridge and throw at them?? Then again, I used up most of my eggs in making my failed-attempt-at-blueberry-muffins. Which are all languishing in the Business Center I suppose. Heh. I just hope someone keeps my container for me!

Oh well. Better luck next time on the muffins.

Tomorrow morning will be the actual funeral for my sort-of-grandmother. And then it will be well and truly over; a generation will have passed away.

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