Friday, December 14, 2007

No longer hols, but rising work

Finally gotten into "holiday mode" only in the last week or so.
Only to realise that there are only 2.5 weeks more to go before school reopens.

Spent some time moping about that..

Its so much in our human nature to look ahead to see when the "next thing" is coming along.. and we spend so much time lamenting or anticipating that "next thing" that we forget to enjoy our present.

That tendency, beautifully versed in Norman Nicholson's Rising Five.

Alright, stop the mope! Spend time to enjoy the present instead.

Thankful for, this hols:
- Lunch with cousin Kelly at Indulgz Bistro. The set lunch is only $10.90 and the food is quite good.
- My 2nd Christmas present of 2007! Mismatched earrings from Miss I.
- Upcoming appt with cousin Zhiyue next week. Haven't spoken to her in the longest while since she came back from Uni in Australia.
- My 1st Christmas present of 2007 from Karen! Which i promptly spent off haha.
- Being able to settle most of what princess needs while there are sales and I am free, even in whale-sized state.
- Ability to meet up with friends.
- Much sleep.


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