Friday, October 08, 2004

what's mycoplasma??

diagnosis: mycoplasmal lung infection.


fever seesaws up and down, throat feels like sandpaper and i've just realised i can't smell.

being the dedicated biology teacher that i am, i have found out that:

Clinical Features
Majority with upper respiratory tract infections with fever, cough, malaise, and headache. May lead to tracheobronchitis with fever and nonproductive cough: radiologically confirmed pneumonia develops in 5-10% of cases; rare extrapulmonary syndromes, including cardiologic, neurologic, and dermatologic findings.
Etiologic Agent
Mycoplasma pneumoniae, a small bacterium.
Each year an estimated 2 million cases and 100,000 pneumonia-related hospitalizations occur in the United States.
Persistent cough is common during convalescence; other sequelae are rare. Fatal cases are reported occasionally, primarily among the elderly and persons with sickle-cell disease.
Person-to-person transmission by contact with respiratory secretions. Incubation period is 1 to 4 weeks.
Risk Groups
Persons of all ages are at risk but rarely children less than 5 years old. It is the leading cause of pneumonia in school-age children and young adults. Outbreaks can occur especially in crowded military and institutional (e.g., college) settings. Outbreaks in these settings can last several months.

oh my gosh!
isolate me, somebody!
before i spread pneumonia to everyone around!


anyway, here's to my *expensive*, $2.30 a tablet antibiotics(for five times a day)! May i get well soon!

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