Friday, March 30, 2007

6 weird things about me

Seems like everyone has been jumping on this latest "Weird Things Blog" bandwagon. Ha..

#01. I cannot stand repetitive noise.
Yeah so you know the reverse sensors on cars? They drive me mad and therefore I attempt to reverse as fast as I can. Roar! And the turn indicators? Yes, those too. I flick them off as fast as I can cut into other peoples' lanes (and sometimes before erps). This applies to tuneless humming/screeching/wailing as well. Of course its repetitive! Repetitively irritating! And it doesn't help that the fellow who sits opposite me at work does tuneless so well he should go and earn himself a doctorate in it. Rrrrrrrgghhh.

#02. I don't eat chilli.
Ok this is probably not a secret to those of who know me well enough to have eaten with me a few times. But to those who just got to know me, they will invariably be shocked. Standard conversation:

A: But you don't eat chilli? You're Singaporean!
Me: Ah-huh. And guess what. My father is Malaysian and my mother is Indonesian.
A: Really! But all the more you should eat chilli!
Me: Ah-huh.
A: -shocked look-

I don't understand why chilli lovers can't live without it. They claim it enhances the flavour of food.. Bah I say because then won't everything you add it to just taste of, you know, chilli? Sorry, give me my food in all its naked natural glory and I would rather get to taste the original flavours.

#03. I am extraordinarily sensitive to "cute" UPPERCASE and lowercase.
As in I simply cannot stand reading things that are RitN iN dIs mAnR N it mkS mI wondR y pP R sO frEe 2 tyP sms N eMaiL lyk dIs.
Just typing that sentence gave me the creeps. And it took 3 times the length of time I would take to type normally. Sheesh. Is it supposed to be cute? Or is this some new phonetics method where the capital letters denote the stresses in a spoken word? Whatever! I can't stand it!
Oh yes and did I mention the short forms?? For some reason I detest seeing uppercase N and R used as short forms. Don't ask me why. Lowercase letters are just fine. So I discriminate. Sue me.

#04. I don't watch TV.
Something I gave up doing in JC when it came clear that I simply have not enough time to do everything that I want to if I were to continue my google-box habit. Strangely, I don't miss it. Very unlike my future husband who wrote in his list of 6 weird things that he cannot live without TV. Haha.
Even more strange in light of the fact that both my parents are TV addicts, the TV in my house is on at least 20 hours a day. They take turns to sleep and watch TV (I am not kidding) because courtesy of SCV, there are multiple replays of the same program every day.
Linking to the next point..

#05. I have intellectual relaxation pursuits.
I don't mind the TV, but I don't need it. I would rather read. At least reading you can do at your own time and your schedule is not dictated according to the programming whims of TCS and SCV. I also like Sudoku, jigsaw puzzles, 3D tic tac toe and other "intellectual pursuits". I get a kick and feel 爽 when I apply my mind to solve or understand something rather than just vegging out in front of the TV. Shocks everyone I know when I tell them I wind down by challenging my brain to a puzzle. Yeah, I exercise my brain all day long doing stuff, but this is different - its like running a marathon and then going for a swim.
Non comprende? Whatevs. My Sudoku, here I come..

#06. I have a strange personality.
I'm fascinated with personality tests. I've done 16PF, 5 Global factors (aka Big 5), Myers-Briggs, DISC, you name it I have probably tried it at one time or another. Surest way to get me to waste time is to send me a link to a quiz website which promises some kind of personality test or the other.
Irritatingly though I always come out as very balanced on those tests. When I got my 16PF report EVERY ONE of the 16 factors was scored as average. So disappointing that all I can tell others about my personality is "I am average". Bah.
Having said that it is kind of unusual to be so balanced that my percentage dominances for almost everything are at best 60%:40%. So I display many aspects of different personality at different situations, to the extent that even those people who know me well cannot quite put their finger on what personality class I belong to.
Did you know? I am an ISFJ, but I am very E for an I, rather N for an S, and very T for an F. Go figure.

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