Thursday, January 05, 2006

World of Passwords

Grouse list!

1. MOE has SO many different portals and systems! Too many by (n-1), where n is the actual number of portals that exist.
2. Each of them uses a different user ID and password! whoohoo! Like, why not just use my IC number for all?? Not different variations of my name!
3. Have intelligent requirements. Please. If I need to use a system once or twice a year or on an ad-hoc basis, WHY have a requirement for password to be changed every month?? Is it such a matter of paramount importance to national security that I need to apply for courses to take over the year?
4. Or, at least, synchronize the timings for the password changes. Each portal has different requirements. Why can't they just appear all together, at once, delivered to my email inbox once a term or something?? How to remember which portal I have changed, since when??
5. If the entire education system has been on holiday since November, ALL of us will have expired passwords right?? So DON'T block people from these portals because "passwords have expired". Sheesh.

Bah to the online portals..

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