Monday, June 01, 2009

Zoe's Wish List

Eh.. OK.. After much bugging from various people, I am finally getting around to putting up Z's wishlist. Sorry lah, no time beforehand while clearing work, and anyway the wishlist is kind of short because there are many things left over from S.

1. Diapers and wipes - Always welcome! =) We have quite a lot of NB size diapers alr, courtesy of a lobang where we got them at $15 for 180 pieces (that's $0.083 per piece - wow!!). And newborns grow really fast, so perhaps S or M size would be good. Diaper cream also appreciated.
2. NTUC vouchers - So that we can buy milk powder, diapers, etc. Not practical to ask for actual tins of milk powder, cos we are not sure what kind of FM she will favour, or if I will be able to TBF for her.
3. Kiddy Palace vouchers - Because they sell bottles, teats, all sorts of toys, etc. Heh.
4. Herbal supplements - OK I know this sounds weird, but instead of chicken essence, DOM, fish essence etc, I would like to have supplements to boost milk production. I am actually not very sure which one to get, but most mummies recommend products from Motherlove.
5. Baby clothes - Don't really need, as she will outgrow them pretty fast especially during 1st 3 months, and we have quite a lot leftover from S as well as other clothes that my older relatives have passed on. Including from one cousin whose daughter is already in Sec 1.. OMG.. and she kept the clothes (in pristine condition no less!) for 12 years!! Of course, no mummy can resist seeing their little ones in CUTE clothes, so if you see something really cute and pretty, Z will surely appreciate it much too! And it would also be nice for her to have some new clothes, not all hand me downs.
6. Baby toys - Also don't really need, but again, since S is such a destructo-mouse, she has spoilt quite a few of her toys and books =(. The major things are still intact though, phew. Of course, also good for her to have some new things that are not just passed down from the jiejie.

You can also give Z's mummy things!! As an excuse, I will ask for baby-related items:
1. Vouchers from shops that sell nursing wear. Eg. Maternity Exchange, Spring, etc. OK lah, actually also not really a NEED. I do have quite a few pieces!
2. Post-natal massage sessions! OK, this is kind of hard to "give" because you usually pay cash to the ladies who come to your home to do the massage sessions. You can volunteer to pay for them though!! Hehe!
3. Scrapbooking vouchers (HAHA somehow you all knew this was coming, no??) Ahem, so I can do layouts and mini albums for Zoe. =P

Alright! Thats' about all I can think of!

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