Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Common vision, common goals

How can we run a race while looking backwards?

It takes the collective effort of a team running together, the absolute certainty that no one has flagged by the wayside, the understanding and support given to one another during times of need, the knowledge that we'll be back running RIGHT AFTER a pitstop, the trust that your friends are there when you need them, the keeping on keeping on for a common vision and common goal that each and every one is convicted about.

Yes, I give allowances.
Yes, I believe each of my people knows their best for their own.

But how much of it is due to personal unbelief, self-limitation and tiredness?

It is so easy to take the short-cut way out and determine all on your own that certain things are not as important as others. That only duty is duty, and everything else is unnecessary.

I pray, I pray that it is not the case that we have forgotten our collective visions, dreams and principles in the rush and race for things that are urgent. For what is not so urgent is still as important as it has always been, no?

Reminder to self and others: Understand the purpose of what we do, in order to have the passion to do it. Understand the importance of your specific presence and your specific impact.

But yet, I feel in my heart that I am running almost alone.
And I don't know how to make it improve.

God, help. Take all of me and exchange it for all of You, because You have the unlimited wisdom, patience and anointing. I can't do anything without You.

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