Sunday, December 18, 2005

It is strange to say the least to be blogging at 3am after an exhausting Expo day of rush, rush, rush... Oh well.

Went into JB with Alan. lexyiu and Juan on Friday. The scene still lingers in my mind and I'm sure that had I had my camera with me, I would have taken lots of photos.

JB is a place that seems steeped in ramshackle romanticism. The streetsigns, potholed roads and thickly begrimed windowgrilles all speak of the 1960's, just as if the city was arrested in time. One can almost imagine the town in its heyday, mosaic floors still sparkling and porcelain tableware unchipped; marbled table-tops in coffee shops redolent of the aromas of fresh baked bread and home-churned kaya.

Part of the charm of JB is that you never know what might be around the next corner. Scruffy lean-tos with corrugated zinc roofs might neighbor a large, modern-style villa; narrow unkept residential lanes open onto spanking-new hotels. There does not seem to be any concept of 'zoning' here.. Oh well.

Best of all, the sunset. Have rarely had the chance to see one like this in Singapore, what with black clouds en masse in the sky. Somehow, the Sun managed to peek through the drizzle at only 730pm and a rich, slanting yellow light diffused into the car. How unlike the insipid, dull dreary daylight of everyday life. =)

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