Tuesday, July 05, 2005


10. The school bookshop runs out of red pens for sale. Especially the cheapo 55-cent-a-piece kind.

9. Their MSN nicks have variations of the words 'whine', 'cry', and 'wail'.

8. Screams of 'WHY', 'ARGH' and 'GOODNESS!' emanate from the cubicles at varying frequencies, depending on how long it takes to come across a script that includes sheer nonsense.

7. A sudden, marked desire for throwing students out the windows is noted.

6. The consumption of comfort food in the staffroom increases. Especially things like chocolate, cookies and instant noodles.

5. They are always online because they're not out teaching.

4. A propensity for hairclips, hairbands and hairties is seen among the female members of the population, as well as a general trend towards wearing glasses, slippers and slack-looking pants.

3. They blog a lot, because they're in front of the comp all day long.

2. They run out of creative ability and memory space before they can even finish a list of ten things like this one.

1. They... uhhh. What was I talking about?

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