Tuesday, May 24, 2005

so lame, we came to share our fame. =)

If lawyers are debarred
and clergymen defrocked,

doesn't it follow that. . .

electricians could be delighted,
musicians denoted,
cowboys deranged,
models deposed,
and dry cleaners depressed?

Wouldn't you expect laundry workers to decrease, eventually becoming
depressed and depleted?

Likewise, bedmakers might be debunked,
baseball players debased,
bulldozer operators degraded,
organ donors delivered,
software engineers detested, and
underwear manufacturers debriefed.

And won't all composers one day decompose?

On a more positive note, perhaps we can hope politicians will someday
be devoted.

*heh. Perhaps I could also tell my dog to undergo debugging, and tell myself I'm declining every time i walk down the slope. And wouldn't divorces be an instance of decoupling? Corpses would be decrypted; tennis players deduced, make up artists defaced and all accomplishments defeated. Your kidneys would be defenestrated (I didn't make that up!), your garden defenseless, and your paprers defiled. I would need to defray my clothing, allow my children to undergo degeneration, and tell all citizens of the free world that they would one day be deliberated upon. And oh yes. Are not electricians delighted then? What a wonderful profession!

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