Wednesday, May 25, 2005


Had plenty of food for thought over the last few days.
Had plenty of food for the body too, but let's not go into that.. hehe.

I heard an inspiring sentence on Monday morning:
"The food was wonderful, but your service made it special."

Wow. If only every time I and my ushers served, we could have that impact on the people; I'm not looking for words of gratification from them, but I really wish that this could be the impression we give to the people of His house. Imagine.

"The preaching was wonderful, but your service made it special."
"Taking communion was wonderful, but your service made it special."
"The bus service was wonderful, but your service made it special."

Imagine how we could make a difference in peoples' hearts and lives if we could serve to this extent.

I learnt a new way of thought on Sunday afternoon and Monday night:
I can learn to be a more active and a better armorbearer for my leaders.
Armorbearers do not wait to be given tasks; they look around to see how they can do more and how they can improve. What am I doing now? Is there any way I can make it better?
Even more that that, the best followers WILL ask themselves: How can I help to improve my leader? How can I change so that my leader becomes the best leader that he or she can be? Is there anything I can do to save my leader an hour, because if by doing my work well I can free up an hour of my leader's time, I am allowing him or her to use that hour in a more impactful way.

I was reminded of something I should always cling on to on Monday night and Tuesday night:
In all things, remember humility and love.

Plenty of things to think about. Plenty of ways to improve myself. Plenty of times I need to remember to be more loving. Let me jiayou..

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