Monday, September 20, 2004

the fruitstall / faith, hope and love

Hey hey.. fruitstall blog's new template's up! Go check it out at - hee, I'm quite proud of myself cos most of the html is from scratch. Yay.. =P I like the tree tho I wanted it more transparent.. need photo editing software to do that. Next on my target list - hermionejas the sweetie, ur blog will be upcoming soon! Will be a very kuniang and pink template.. haha.. if anyone else wants layouts, I can try, tho given my propensities it will prob end up as an extremely 'niang' layout. Btw I have only barely mastered BM layouts.. dun think it will work on xanga / opendiary / diaryland.. so sorry, I cater to the mainstream. Haha.. econs.. =P

On a more serious note, yuppz I need to learn to disciple more pp and disciple pp more.. haha.. long time ago the Holy Spirit reminded me that I had 'finished' learning and should move on to teaching.. not only in the educational sense but in terms of trying to impart spiritual stuff to others. Have I managed to do that? Not reali eh.. over the past 7 years in usher ministry (haha. Have all of u fainted in shock that I am THAT old?) I have nv managed to rise up even a TIC from scratch - erpz. Well something 85 said that beatrice shared yesterday in church - we scold and nag because we STILL bother and still catch a glimpse of hope in our people. (this applies too, btw, to my students!) many of us are where we are today because of someone, long ago, who nv gave up hope on us and believed that we had e potential to rise up to a higher level. It's really a self-perpetuating thing I feel - once u come to a certain level of awareness and maturity u will want to serve God more and more, but e key is getting TO that level in the first place - my job to bring more pp to such a level! Yuppz, must learn to spend more time w my pp and nv give up on them.. tho I have a tough time sometimes, with some of e pp that I cannot realli connect to, God has placed us in each others' lives for a purpose, and I want my pp to go away when e time comes to move on with a difference in their lives. Will they look back and say "my (1/2/3…) years in (usher ministry / cell group / hwa chong) was a waste of time, I nv learnt anything", or will it be "yeah, someone made a difference in my life in that place, and I have come away a better person for it"? I realli sincerely hope that it will be the second one.. Lord, use me to make a difference. Truly pp do not care how much u knoe until they know how much u care.. so help me to be a more caring person, and not give up hope on anyone as long as there is the faintest glimmer / spark that all is not lost. It is truly the saddest thing in the world to give up hope on a person.. remember Hebrews 11:1 - faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things unseen. Yuppz, so even tho we might not be able to SEE results in the here and now, with discipleship / teaching etc, have faith! Let me continue, and have even greater faith, hope and love for my pp. Amen.

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